Saturday, July 2, 2011

Back in Action!

I have decided to try taking photos for other families again.  I still feel so un-qualified to do so, but I learn something new every time and it pushes me out of my comfort zone, so I keep doing it.
This family is friends with my sister and were so laid back and easy to work with.  I don't know if I have ever photographed such well-behaved children.
I didn't rent a fancy lens this time, just used my lens that I purchased last year and it did a pretty good job.  I still prefer the fancy lens, of course, for it's speed and open-ness, but this saved everyone a little cash.
I shot the photos in RAW, which I hadn't done before...I don't know why?  I did have some issues when I imported the RAW files into Lightroom.  There was this layer of noise on all of my photos.  I have not had this problem before....ever.  I still don't know what I did wrong (anybody?), but I'm thankful that Lightroom has a noise reduction option, or I would be a total stress case.

Here are a few images that I captured.  Not perfect, but like I said...I am always learning:


Lisa Moore said...

Those turned out great! Where did you take them? The lighting was perfect.

Andrea said...

Thanks! They were taken at the WJ conservation gardens.